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Nitya Pandit

The 3 qualities an influencer should have, according to Anushree Aneja, a content creator

Your first ever IG post was on the last day of 2012 - You started with Micare Jewelry. So what motivated you to start your blog and content creation journey and what motivates you to keep going now?

Blogging was something I was always interested in. I actually started a blog way back in 2011 when I was studying in London, but I chickened out and never worked on it further. That was when I launched my jewelry label. After 6 wonderful years working in that industry, I felt it was time to get back to what I truly loved doing and that was content creation. I honestly really enjoy doing what I do, and when you enjoy doing what you do, work becomes easy.

Since you were one of the first few people on Instagram since the app launched, what have been the steps that you have taken to grow your followers and increase engagement with the already existing ones?

Initially with my jewelry page, a lot of engagement came from word of mouth and advertisements. As for now, I am constantly looking for ways to make sure my content stands out. Another thing that you have to keep in mind is the engagement.

You have to make sure your post is something that people will enjoy seeing and will want to share with more people.

That in my opinion is the most organic way of gaining followers and increasing engagement with the existing ones.

I absolutely love your sense of aesthetic. There isn’t a single post short of perfection! Since there’s so much content for viewers to choose from online, what do you think is your value add to your followers?

Thank you so much, that’s truly really sweet of you to say! I honestly don’t really obsess over how my grid looks overall. If I feel like posting something, I’ll just post it.

This in my opinion has made my page less stiff and less advertorial.

I will see a couple of people posting similar content on Instagram, and I make it a mission to do something entirely different.

You’ve been creating content for years now, so what do you consider to be the highlight of your entire journey as a content creator?

Honestly, I got into content creation properly only last year. This page was my jewelry brand before I turned it into my personal page. But the year so far has been absolutely great! The highlight was definitely receiving my first PR package from L’Occitane. The brand will always be special to me because they were the first people to reach out to me.

Are there any mistakes that you think you made/lessons you learnt through this process?

Since it’s only been a year since I got into this, there were a lot of firsts and it all happened so fast. I made a lot of mistakes, but I’m new to this, so i’m still learning how this industry works. But honestly every bad experience I have had last year, has made me better work wise. Every time I make a mistake, I learn something new and then I make sure I never repeat that same mistake again.

Many people across the globe are tempted by the glitz and glam world of influencers and content creation. What do you think are the 2 or 3 qualities any content creator should have?

I’m not going to lie, it is definitely glamorous. But saying that, it’s also A LOT of hard work and pressure. There is the constant pressure of churning out quality content and standing out from the millions on the app. There is also the hate that you have to deal with online, but then not everyone will love you or what you do. 3 qualities that one must have is: Patience, humility and a thick skin.

With people being in quarantine for the past 2 months or so, a lot of industries have had to alter the way they operate. Has the current world situation changed the way you create and post? If yes, then how has it impacted your daily routine?

I am such a homebody! For me it hasn’t made a drastic difference work wise. I was working from home before, and I’m working from home now. The only struggle is, of course, figuring out what content to post everyday and somehow make it relevant. I wish I could get out and create better content, but since I can’t, I’m just making do with what I have. You have to learn how to adapt.

Cliche, but where do you see yourself in the next couple years? Any short term or long term goals that you can share with us?

I will be moving to Chicago hopefully soon. I definitely wish to see myself becoming more global and creating even better content. I want to be a part of and collaborate with my list of dream designers [I have a vision board].

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